Modern Art Foundry Foundation

In March 2021, the Modern Art Foundry Foundation (MAFF) was established as a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. MAFF administers the Robert J. Spring Endowment for Sculptors (RJSE). During the first full year of operation, the MAFF & RJSE raised over $20,000 through various campaigns.

The MAFF’s Board of Directors decided on a giving campaign in cooperation with the National Sculpture Society’s Annual Conference.  The foundation provided ten one-year memberships to the young, emerging sculptors who participated in the Richard McDermott Miller Modeling Competition at the NSS annual conference. These ten memberships will allow each sculptor to stay active in the society, have access to promoting their work on the website, gain valuable experience in exhibition application announcements, and have full access to all the resources provided by the NSS.

Robert “Bob” J. Spring would be celebrating his 90th Birthday on July 3rd. MAFF is currently fundraising in his honor. With permission, the names of each contributor of $90 or more during this request drive will be listed on its website as a Bob’s 90th Birthday Donor. Updated Robert J. Spring Memorial Booklets are also available.  Learn more about the Foundation & Endowment.