Presented as the occasion arises for service to American Sculpture or to a sculptor for outstanding achievement. The award consists of a certificate and a medal.
Recipients are nominated by the Honors and Awards Committee and approved by the NSS Board.
May 31, 1945: Special Meeting of the Council of the National Sculpture Society
This special meeting was called for the passing of the resolutions on the death of Herbert Adams, Honorary President:
The National Sculpture Society records with profound grief the death on May 21st of its charter member, Honorary President and three times President, HERBERT ADAMS, for many years past the beloved dean of American sculpture, and for over half a century honored for distinguished achievement in his own great profession.
December 11, 1945: Regular Meeting of the Council of the National Sculpture Society
Mrs. Cresson suggested that a medal be made for Mr. Adams of sufficient importance to be used for special awards.
In 1946, Thomas G. Lo Medico designed the award medal.