Exhibition Awards
84th Annual Awards Exhibition – Award Winners
1. NSS Gold Medal and Charlotte Geffken Prize of $5,000
Omo Girl by James Stewart, NSS, bronze
2. NSS Silver Medal and Maurice B. Hexter Prize of $3,000
Disintegrating Mortal by Eirik Arnesen, Aqua resin
3. NSS Bronze Medal and John Cavanaugh Memorial Prize of $2,000
Nepenthes by Lewis Brown, Linden wood
4. Green-Wood Cemetery Award of $1,500
Her by Carl Raven, marble
5. Fred and Cheryl Newby Patrons Award of $1,000
Maestro by Diana Reuter-Twining, bronze
6. Marcel Jovine President’s Prize of $1,000
Model Mr. Zhao by Shuhai Cao, GFRP
7. Pat Munson Prize of $1,000 for avian sculpture
Angelorum by Peregrine O’Gormley, NSS, juniper wood with burning
8. Marilyn Newmark Memorial Award of $1,000
Roosting Rooster Fragment by Sandy Scott, FNSS, bronze
9. Marion and Gilbert Roller Memorial Prize of $1,000
Lightness of Being by Dora Natella, FNSS, bronze and steel plate
10. Pietro and Alfrieda Montana Memorial Prize of $750
Charlotte by Bela Bacsi, FNSS, Italian marble with steel
11. Agop Agopoff Memorial Prize of $500 – For a classical sculpture
Bloom by Amy Kann, FNSS, Forton
12. Jane B. Armstrong Memorial Award of $400
Millennial by Kate Brockman, NSS, bronze, aluminum, concrete
13. Edith H. and Richman Proskauer Prize of $300
Mother & Child with a Glock by Meredith Bergmann, bonded Carrara
14. Margaret Hexter Prize of $300
Dan Perplexed by Glenn Marlowe, NSS
- Beverly Hoyt Robertson Memorial Award of $200 and Gloria Medal
Requiem by Kevin Chambers, NSS