88th Annual Award Winners Exhibition
A Jury of Awards convened at Brookgreen Gardens in June to decide the prize recipients of the 88th Annual Awards Exhibition. This year the jury included Heidi Wastweet, Sculptor/NSS Elected Member; Angela Cunningham, Sculptor; and Mary Martin, President/Owner, Mary Martin Gallery. In March, the Jury of Selection chose the 55 works from the 492 entries and D.L. Engle, NSS Fellow; Michael Evert, Sculptor; and Melissa Ralston-Jones, Gallery Curator, Western Connecticut State University. The Jury of Selection and Jury of Awards play important roles in the annual exhibition and each jury is comprised of two sculptors and one curator.
17 Prize Winners in the 88th Annual Award Winners Exhibition:
- NSS Gold Medal and Charlotte Geffken Prize of $4,000
Fearless in Fear: A Young Harriet Tubman by Kate Brockman, FNSS
- NSS Silver Medal and Maurice B. Hexter Prize of $3,000
Aristotle by Gary Staab, NSS
- NSS Bronze Medal and John Cavanaugh Memorial Prize of $2,000
Painter by Timothy S. Hooton, NSS
- André Harvey Award of $2,500
Circumstantial Evidence by Roger Martin, FNSS
- The Anna Hyatt Huntington Award of $1,000 and a Brookgreen Medal
His Honor by Lee Hutt, FNSS
- Marcel Jovine President’s Prize for a realistic work, preferably in the form of a bas-relief — $1,000
John Lewis by Eugene Daub, FNSS
- Fred and Cheryl Newby Patrons Award — $1,000
The Boxer by Craig Campbell, NSS
- Marilyn Newmark Memorial Award for a realistic sculpture done in the classical tradition — $1,000
Testing the Water by Tuck Langland, FNSS
- The Susan and Robert Polack Prize recognizing artistic achievement by a first-time exhibitor — $1,000
Redemption Pending by Eva-Maria Wohn
- Marion and Gilbert Roller Memorial Prize — $1,000
The Newborn by Beverly Davis, NSS
- Pietro and Alfrieda Montana Memorial Prize for an outstanding work, either carved or cast — $750
Edward by Jacquelyn Giuffré, NSS
- Agop Agopoff Memorial Prize for a classical sculpture — $500
Portrait of Congressman John Lewis by Basil Watson, FNSS
- Ortmayer/Corcoran Teacher Inspiration Award — $500
M’akhotso Mother of Peace by Linda Lindsay
- Jane B. Armstrong Memorial Award — $400
Dauntless by Jim Green
- Margaret Hexter Prize for a creative sculpture in the round — $300
States of Matter by Bryce Pettit
- Edith H. and Richman Proskauer Prize for a non-traditional sculpture — $300
Heirloom by Joe Palmer
- Beverly Hoyt Robertson Memorial Award of $200 and Gloria Medal for a work by a young sculptor (age 40 or younger) — $200 and C. Paul Jennewein Medal
Miss Independent by Brittany Ryan, NSS